The fresh, new paint brightening the Plainfield Town Hall Opera House is a fitting representation of the spirit of the Friends of the Plainfield Town Hall Opera House as it concludes its first full year of operation, and looks ahead to the coming year.
For a quick look back:
*Sixty area households and several local businesses and organizations paid one-year memberships to the “Friends” in 2017, thereby helping to make Plainfield’s Town Hall Opera House the well-managed, attractive center for cultural activities our area needs and deserves;
*The first annual FPOH concert series was launched – featuring performances by FREVO, Anima and the Fyre & Lightning Consort, pianist Diane Huling Reed, Plainfield’s own Gamelan Sulukala, and a dedication celebration of our new grand piano. It was a big success, attracting an appreciative audience of 400 (stay tuned for news about our 2018 concert season, which begins in January!);
*Although Sarah Lowry and Jade Walker, co-managers of events at the Town Hall Opera House for the past three years, have moved on, the FPOH, using the good will and resources they created, has successfully transitioned to volunteer coordination and oversight of events and maintenance at the Town Hall Opera House, under a contract agreement approved this year with Town of Plainfield.
The Friends of the Plainfield Town Hall Opera House manages and promotes the Plainfield Town Hall Opera House as a community center for the arts. All artistic and educational programs are privately organized and funded. The FPOH depends on the support of its members to fulfill its mission. Your 2018 membership fee of $25 aids the work of the “Friends”, and gives you one free admission to any of the 2018 FPOH series concerts.
Now that long-deferred maintenance of the building is completed, it’s time to deal with the critical need for additional off-street parking space as well as for additional room back-stage for theatrical productions. To begin to solve these chronic infrastructure deficits, the FPOH is launching a $30,000 fund drive – two-thirds of which is earmarked for acquiring nearby land for additional parking, and one-third for building a deck on the already-installed addition foundation behind the Hall. Anything you can give over your $25 membership fee will go to making these important improvements happen.
Thank you!